Become an official Checkmate partner
Create a network of professional connections and expand your ability to scale your real estate business.
Get new clients and expand your business. Get started today.
Our Insiders Club is ideal for you to connect with new potential clients and take your business to the next level
Below are the Insiders Club benefits

Exclusive Connections
We are developing the largest community of professionals in the real estate market nationwide. At Checkmate Property platform, contractors, brokers, investors, and other professionals in the real estate market will do great business.

Smart search platform
At Insiders Club you will have your company and services available on the platform. Every time a potential client searches for a service on your category in your area, your name will appear on the list, along with your credentials and contact information. Whether you are a contractor, lender, mortgage broker, Realtor, wholesaler or investor, the platform will give you the possibility to increase your customer base and business partners.

It’s simple
With just a few taps or clicks, anyone looking for your services will have the convenience of sending you a message or call you right from the app. The Insiders Club is a great way to get new clients for your business.