Increase your search power and close new deals
your results strategically
Thousands of on/off market properties, direct contact with the owner and detailed analysis of the operational costs and ROI of your deals

Increase your search power and close new deals
your results strategically
Thousands of on/off market properties, direct contact with the owner and detailed analysis of the operational costs and ROI of your deals
Your real estate business needs the right strategy.

Checkmate Property takes to the market the most modern tools with simplicity and assertiveness for you to find properties, analyze costs and profits, negotiate directly with decision makers and obtain capital for the investment directly, without obstacles.
How Checkmate can
help you in your business

- Find off-market, auction or foreclosure properties - Contact owners directly - Calculate your business numbers - Raise investor capital for your deals

- Find off-market, auction or foreclosure properties - Contact owners directly - Calculate your business numbers - Raise investor capital for your deals

- Seek new opportunities for your current clients - Find direct contact with off-market property owners
Find, contact and close
more business

Property search
Access to millions of properties on and off market, foreclosure and auction.

Deal analysis
Find comparable properties for an accurate After Repair Value (ARV) With just a few clicks on your computer or mobile device, you can have the rehab cost and ROI of a deal.

Qualified Leads
Negotiate directly with the property owner by accessing accurate contact information through our Skiptrace capabilities.

Investor Capital
Obtain investment capital directly, without bureaucracy, to leverage your results and generate more profits for your business.
Our numbers reveal the grandeur of our solution.
The ultimate solution for all your business growth strategies is in your hands.

We're helping real estate investors transform their real estate business
The ultimate solution for all your business growth strategies in your hands

Nationwide Properties
Find on and off market properties across the country, with all the necessary details for analysis, negotiation and decision making

Off Market Leads
Gain access to property listings outside of the popular MLS. Here you will find the best deals without the bloody competition of the market

Skip Trace
Once you find your off market property, you will be able to get all the contact information of the property owner and negotiate directly with him/her.

Deal Analyzer and Rehab Estimator
You will have 2 calculation platforms: one to estimate the rehab costs and one to analyze the deal. In a simple and quick way, a complete analysis will be available to assist you in making the best decisions.
Choose the ideal plan to scale your real estate business Save up to 10% with an annual plan!
Premium Monthly
Recurring billing
Analysis with estimated rehab costs
Analysis with estimated ROI and net profit
Cloud storage for all projects
Download of rehab and ROI report
Property search – on/off market
Property history
Mortgage and Equity information
Access to Comparable Properties
Tax information
Property Owner information
Skip Trace (20 free searches per month)
Analysis with estimated rehab costs
Analysis with estimated ROI and net profit
Download rehab and ROI reports
Cloud storage for all projects
Automated marketing campaigns (post cards and emails)
Find a real estate professional in your area
Premium Yearly
Save $80.08 USD annually
Analysis with estimated rehab costs
Analysis with estimated ROI and net profit
Cloud storage for all projects
Download of rehab and ROI report
Property search – on/off market
Property history
Mortgage and Equity information
Access to Comparable Properties
Tax information
Property Owner information
Skip Trace (20 free searches per month)
Analysis with estimated rehab costs
Analysis with estimated ROI and net profit
Download rehab and ROI reports
Cloud storage for all projects
Automated marketing campaigns (post cards and emails)
Find a real estate professional in your area
Multiply your results with the simplest and most efficient partner tool in the real estate market