Deal Analysis
We have the complete solution to boost your real estate business. You will find all the resources you need to generate big results in the wealthiest US market.
Deal Analysis

Deal Analysis
Rehab Estimator
Renovation is an important element of your projects. In order for you to be even more precise in determining your budget, we offer a dynamic system, complete with all the elements of a renovation, as well as average market price estimates to help you estimate your rehab costs.
This tool will be extremely important to determine the purchase price and ROI of your deal.
Deal Analysis
Return on Investment Analysis
Sustainable businesses need to make a real profit. On the CHECKMATE platform you will be able to quickly and easily calculate your Return on Investment (ROI), including very detailed calculations such as: construction, holding costs, closing costs, interest on capital borrowed, legal expenses, insurance, Realtor commissions, etc.
With this calculator your decision making will be more assertive and you will know your true ROI before even making an offer to purchase a property.

Deal Analysis
Dashboard for Project Management
All deals should be well analyzed to ensure a successful business. At CHECKMATE you will have access to dynamic reports with intelligent graphics so you have a clear view of all the numbers of your projects.
Dashboards will have specific filters to improve the visibility of your business so you can easily manage multiple projects at once.

Nationwide Data
We have a database of millions of properties across the country.
The search tool has filters that will allow you to locate properties by the most relevant criteria: location, square footage, number of rooms, among others. Everything you need to find great deals, without geographic limits.
Off market and MLS properties
In addition to access to the best property search platforms, using its intelligent database, CHECKMATE will give you the database of off market houses, without direct competition from the real estate market.
With this feature you will be able to find homes and negotiate directly with property owners to get the best deals for your Flips or Wholesale projects. Off market homes are the treasures of Real Estate Investment.

Property Details
Our database will bring you a large amount of information needed for an in-depth property analysis.
Data such as: property details, transaction history, neighborhood characteristics, valuation elements, estimated values of nearby homes, and property owners.
With this information, you will be more confident in your decisions.
Comps and ARV Analysis
For the efficiency of real estate business, buying and selling properties, it is extremely important to have comparative resources from negotiations in that region.
CHECKMATE has developed the most efficient search tool with specific filters to analyze comparative properties and average property sales over time, so you can determine your After Repair Value (ARV)

Skip Trace
In the real estate business, speed and exclusivity in information are a real competitive advantage.
With Skip Trace, when you find a property, you can get all the contact information of the owner and negotiate directly with him/her.
This will put you ahead of competitors in the market and lead to very profitable deals.
Investment Capital

Investment Capital
Up to 100% financing
Our biggest differential as a tool platform for Real Estate is the ability to connect you with investors in our database.
Hundreds of Lenders who understand the real estate business well will receive your deals for review and will partner with you.
You will be able to do deals with 0% of your own capital. Investors can finance up to 100% of the property and 100% of the Renovation.

CHECKMATE is a true business community. Flippers, wholesalers, investors, realtors, contractors, lenders and other professionals in the real estate business will have an opportunity to network in our community.
Networking is one of the keys to success in this business.
Mobile APP

Mobile APP
CHECKMATE is a true business community. Flippers, wholesalers, investors, realtors, contractors, lenders and other professionals in the real estate business will have an opportunity to network in our community.
Networking is one of the keys to success in this business.