With our Deal Analysis tool, you’re not just gaining a simple tool – you’re gaining time, accuracy and confidence. Why waste your valuable hours crunching numbers on papers or spreadsheets when you can easily optimize your business?
Our calculator provides accurate property rehab cost estimates and in-depth ROI analysis, giving you the clear insights you need to make smart decisions. Your time is precious and we are here to make every minute profitable in your real estate ventures.
Take the leap towards a more efficient, practical and convenient way of investing.
Our Deal Analysis tool simplifies the deal analysis process by allowing you to enter property information and even upload images. Estimate rehabilitation costs to provide potential investors with a clear picture of the project.
With just a few pieces of information, the tool quickly generates ROI and net profit numbers, providing immediate clarity on potential returns for different investment scenarios.
Send business analysis directly to your investors' emails, ensuring they have all the crucial numbers at their fingertips to facilitate faster decision-making.
Download, save and store your business analysis in one convenient location, making it easy to track your projects and access them whenever you need.
The Deal Analysis tool allows you to manipulate the numbers, helping you determine the purchase price that makes the most sense to maximize your profit, considering all factors and variables.
Find on and off market properties across the country, with all the necessary details for analysis, negotiation and decision making
Gain access to property listings outside of the popular MLS. Here you will find the best deals without the bloody competition of the market
Once you find your off market property, you will be able to get all the contact information of the property owner and negotiate directly with him/her.
You will have 2 calculation platforms: one to estimate the rehab costs and one to analyze the deal. In a simple and quick way, a complete analysis will be available to assist you in making the best decisions.
Choose the ideal plan to scale your real estate business Save up to 10% with an annual plan!